Can You Tell Me Where This Photo Was Taken? 2.0


I went around campus yesterday taking a handful of HDRs.
Earlier I posted a photo of the Supply Room at the armory.

The Photo

Georgia Institue of Technology HDR

This photo was taken somewhere on Georgia Tech’s campus.

The Challenge

If you’re the first person to leave a comment, or tweet, below telling me where I took this photo you’ll get a prize.

The Incorrect Answers

These are some of the answers I've received so far that were wrong:
  • Howey
  • Student Center
  • Right next to Junior's
  • Library
  • Skiles
  • O'Keefe Gym (Volleyball court area)
  • Alexander Memorial Area sign
  • Institute of Paper Science and Technology
  • Boggs
  • HR Building
  • AE Building
  • Old CE Building
  • Howell
  • Harris
  • Brittain Rec
  • OMED building
  • Woodruff Dining Hall
  • Savant Building
  •  Wall alongside Tech Tower lawn next to Steam Engine

The rest of the 60+ HDRs will be uploaded soon and can be seen here.

The Answer

@TheBuzzFan figured it out first! It is the east side of Perry facing the interstate.

Georgia Institute of Technology 2 HDR

Lookout for more contests like these in the future.


Nicky said...

Right next to Junior's Grill!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


From Kyle M.

Unknown said...

Howey is incorrect as well. Keep trying Kyle

Anonymous said...

The volleyball Court area...
or its the sign to the campus over by the alexander memorial colliseum...

Kyle M.

Not sure if multiple guessing is allowed, but since this is a hard as shizzle photo thought i would try!

Unknown said...

O'Keefe Gym (Volleyball court area), Library, and AMC area sign are all incorrect.

Anonymous said...

Paper Science Buidling

Kyle M.

Unknown said...

Institute of Paper Science and Technology is incorrect.

Anonymous said...

The human resource building by engineers bookstore...


Unknown said...

HR Building is incorrect

Anonymous said...

Is it on the outside of the ferst center?

Tom pethtel

Unknown said...

The outside of the Ferst Center is incorrect Tom. Try again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Last try... Britain Rec!


Unknown said...

Woodies & Brittain Rec are both incorrect.