Campus HDRs Set Two

What Happened to Set One?

Earlier in the semester I went around campus taking HDR photos of mostly Bobby Dodd Stadium, Tech Tower, and the surrounding areas. That set is found here.

So What is Set Two About?

The Beast HDR
This time I started out at the North Avenue Apartments.
Smith Residence Hall HDR
Then crossed the street to Smith for photos of my first on campus residence hall
I found all types of things to photograph on east campus

Georgia Institute of Technology 2 HDR

Techwood sidewalk HDR
Like this rarely observed sign on the connector facing side of Perry Residence Hall. Or the everyday view down the Techwood side walk.

Buzz on the Sidewalk HDR
Scattered throughout were these cool spray painted Buzzes
Brittain Dining Hall sign HDR
I haven’t been back to Brittain since probably my sophomore year.

4th Floor of Harris HDR
The fourth floor of Harris gave me a good view of some of east campus landmarks.
Brittain Dining Hall HDR

The FE area had some other good street scenes:

Atlanta Skyline HDR
Downtown Atlanta
Bobby Dodd Way HDR
Bobby Dodd Way
Freshman Hill HDR
Pretty soon the sun set
Student Center Sunset HDR
Buzz on the Whistle HDR

But I still had some time to find some interesting things on East Campus
Moving on to Central campus:

Library Fountain Reflections HDR
The tranquility of spring break kept the reflection perfect

Future Home of the CULC HDR
The CULC is coming along nicely

The Shaft
This is actually NOT an HDR, you can see the HDR here.
Strange reflections HDR
This building gave off a purple light that did strange things to my image
Central Campus HDR
The Student Center area at night

There are more photos than I could fit on this post (120+ including hte non HDR version)

View the rest of the set here.

Or watch a slide show of the set

Other photos:
1990 College Football National Champions HDRQuizno's Sign HDRSmith Hall main entrance HDRLeadership Climbing CourseFourth Street Houses HDR
Feel free to use any of my pictures however you’d like, as long as you attribute them.