To Sprint or to Boost?


My “Rumor” cell phone has served me well for the past year, and my Sprint mobile coverage has been decent for the past 3 years, but the prices are just getting too ridiculous!Fullscreen capture 7292009 122754 AM.bmp
After paying an almost $80 bill last month due to a incidental download I made, I’ve decided its time to make a change to my mobile plan.

My current options

Boost Mobile’s $50 unlimited everything plan definitely caught my attention. I’d probably change to it right away if I wouldn't have to pay an Early Termination Fee for leaving my Sprint contract 10 months early.
Today I found a good plan from Sprint that would save me $20/monthly. The biggest drawback is it doesn’t have the free incoming minutes that my current plan has.
I made the charts below comparing the costs & features of 4 plans (my current plan, Sprint’s Everything Messaging 450 & 900, and Boost Mobile’s unlimited everything plan). 

Below are my current usage trends:


My plan is…

If I switch to the Sprint 450 plan for the next 11 months or until my Sprint contract expires, and then switch to Boost Mobile’s unlimited everything, I’ll save the most money (long-term).
So far this looks like my best option considering my usage needs and the Early Termination Fee restriction.
If you know a better deal let me know.
If you have any good/bad experiences with Boost Mobile let me know.
Comment via Twitter or on the blog.