Hector's Fall 2009 Schedule

So I registered for classes this last Saturday.
I did my usual strategy of clicking everything under INTA, but it didn't really work because that only got me to 12 hours.

I still haven't taken INTA Sci & Tech because the teacher always insists on scheduling it for late in the day. I think I'll have to add that to my schedule though because its a pretty easy class and I think its 2000 level making it the only 2000 level class I havent' taken yet.

Im almost done with all my INTA classes now and I won't be having any NROTC course for the fall, meaning that I'm moving into my free/cluster electives. For now it looks like Music Technology & Principles of management will fill those needs. HTS (Modern Cuba) will fill out my HTS requirement. Hopefully Cuba doesn't change TOO MUCH between now and the time I begin taking that course.

I'm done with all my languages for good.
I should probably meet with my advisor to see what he/she thinks about this plan, and to see what else I have left before "getting out".